woensdag 26 januari 2011


And it's done. Everything is on my website now, thumbnails, big images, small ones, documents, links to video's, swf files. You name it.

I tried my best to make it contain a good overview of the work that was done on the projects. Really hard to specifically show what I did. So I figured let's show the games cause I was involved in the design.

Can't get it working as well as I wanted with IE but I made a quick fix using some css hacks.

Kinda happy with how the site looks now. Now to keep it updated in the future.

Enjoy ^^

zondag 23 januari 2011

Portfolio online

It's been a lot of work but I now have a portfolio online (for some days already to be exact).

I still have to add a lot of content though. In particular images. But atleast you can find it now.

Seems you can't find it on google yet. Because of that I linked it to my linkedin because you find your way there sooner.

I will be updating it with images and stuff in the next couple of days. If I can I'll try to upload some video's as well. But for the mean time I'm just linking to youtube.

I'm looking through all my folders of the past years for interesting work that I can put on the site. Knowing this I'll try to be more organized in the future. I notice a lot of work is to rough to put on a portfolio. The fact that most of my important work is on paper doesn't help either. But I try my best.

I am currently looking for an internship. If you'r a dutch game company then there's a chance I'll send you an email soon ^^. Please be so nice to at least reply :).

Well that's it for now. I'll try to get around to posting something interesting on this blog once I have something to show.

Oh and I have also done some drawing lately. So I'll leave you with this little doodle ^^